231 exam + shutter

start track: e usual suspects - cn gal

zzz @ 6 wanted 2 wake up early 2 read thru e notes so got lynn, thing n king 2 call me... thing managed 2 get me up @ 1215 n i saw 13 mizzed calls wahaha~ 1st time i saw so mani mizzed calls but i dozed off after tt til king called @ 1315 -_-" thx pple ^_^ reached sch xactly @ 1400 n every1 was in... w me chargin in; seems im e '1' who brought a pencil?

327 xam
althou did 3 past yrs + 200 mcqs, had e tips but stil had problem copin w e it... did e paper iteratively... most of e mcqs were familiar w a few ufos but cldnt rmb e ans so had 2 crack brain... pt of e 75 mks short qns was familiar frm e past yr n e others i vaguely rmbed e ans; juz a problem of writin it out... prob e problems were e diagrams: pert chart, decisN table n phy dfd; tried e best not 2 die there n of coz e npv which my ans was -ve [shld b corr else i go bang head] aniwae finished e paper on e . n munchin on ultra stone-hard mentos [dunno y but tis oni happens on strong mint; does mint makes stone hard dragees?] sendin noises thruout e rm... -_-" tink its an interestin exam xperience here where lecturers'll look down @ ur papers n mayb 'ans' e qns written on em or comm unlk tp where e invigilators r obasans & ojisans...

after e paper bked tixs 4 'shutter' @ ms [kk, seth, lynn, jasz, me]. had a chat w suhendry abt e exams n aftermath coz 'literally' bianged him while tokin 2 kk abt e bkin -_-" seems he lks lollipops lk me ^_^ [havent managed 2 find sum1 who lks lollipops ^_^] prob wont c him til i return 2 sch 4 e summer unit... but reali ve 2 thx him 4 checkin e past yrs else i'll prob reali sux big time ^_^

shutter @ online
watched @ ms @ 1930... had prata @ suntec congress; e curry sux... -_-" well e movie started 20 mins late @ 1950 but stil it has its scary, kayako n comical elements:

scary elements
1. kayako lookalike: narte e female ghost lead
2. appearance of shadows in fotos [film based analog cams]
3. popup scenes
4. weighin scale of 120 kg tun [w narte sitin on him]
5. capture of self foto on polaroid cam w narte on him
6. blackout @ studio
7. ghost animatN w foto flipin [jane's discovery of negatives of narte's rape taken by tun]

comical elements
1. closeup hsefly on glass of h20
2. appearance of a ts in e toilet whose hand was tot 2 b of narte's when tun was askin 4 toilet paper n e ts said 'can u let me poo 1st' when tun kicked down e door 2 'confront'
3. pple screamin outta noware
4. car can actuali emergency brake in secs @ e spd of 120 kph???!!!
5. makin of 'scary' ghost fotos: drag & drop e 'ghost' near 2 e livin
6. narte's mum mucus 'wiped' w e fotos

kayako improvisNs
1. walk upside down
2. phy contact
3. climb down e vertical stairs
4. cling on2 a 120 kph spdin car
5. morph 2 another live person physicali [clinic nurse n jane]

but sumhow e 'bcomin of ghost' seemed 2 b similar 2 'sisters': bcame vengful ghost coz of after rape self despondent... but worse's e mum actualli preserved e body til its reduced 2 bones... pro man~

well my 34 daes holidae bgins frm now... borin... guess i'll spend it slackin, xboxin, trainin, savin $ since i wont b wkin

end track: cecilia - 情人不會忘記

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