muay thai lvl 2 #7

start track: she - 不在場

reached early n there were 2 newbies; amanda n cheryl werent ard so its sort of lk personal trainin ^_^ all e while their families were ard; kinda weird tt there was a crowd -_-" did alot of bagwk n padwk w joe... guess i nid 2 improve on e form of my kicks n blocks stil sux @ tis stage -_-" after they left, sparred w joe n he said there were improvements but stil more's 2 b done 2 block n counter back [e spd between e combo moves n e reactN time <eye moves coordinatN n synchronizatN> ]; took a few blows frm him but he oso tio 'ko' on e chest althou there were others tt touched him but rather in4mal i wld sae hehe~ ^_^ 2dae's real xhaustin since im e oni 1 ard n didnt eat much b4 tt so not enuf carbo 2 burn off -_-"

after trainin went 2 mit kk, lynn n jasz @ bugis 4 dinner n there was a traffic jam n im stuck in e cab 4 e no rain-rain-downpour period... suxo n e cab was jerkin omost puked T_T dinner was e mt faber nasi lemak n its real fillin~

stil on e prowl 4 my chupa chups choco-vanilla~ WRU sweetie?!~

end track: david tao - blue moon + sumware over e rainbow

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