xiaxue's blog got hacked on wed n its e 1st blog hackin case tt i heard of... heard of pples frenster gettin hacked, includin mine last yr but blogs!!! tts e 1st... she's 1st in most stuff in e bloggin realm... includin hackin...
i noe shes loudmouthed n crude but her blog isnt all tt wrong... she has e freedom 2 write wat she 1s, isnt e sg gov promotin freedom of speech n encouragin pple 2
SPEAK UP??? so wats e big deal abt her bloggin it?
internet = vast pool of informatN available 4 pple 2 view n discuss... pple can create, view, modify n discuss; isnt tt y e internet's created? 4 beta comm between pple of e 5 continents? when a content's posted, theres bound 2 b pple either lkin, dislkin or neutral abt it...
definitN of a blog:
a public web site where users post informal journals of their thoughts, comments, and philosophies, updated frequently and normally reflecting the views of the blog's creator.
more definitNs by googlesince bloggin's abt personal views n viewers ve diff views there'll b +ve n -ve comments... as e owner of e content, its up 2 him/her 2 accept, take it as it is or b damn pissed by it... but tink again, they r posted by pple u dunno y b bothered by em?
庸人自擾; create problems n stress 4 urself,
STUPID RITE??? but den again theres no waves w/o wind
無風不起浪, if there r -ve comments, theres definitely sumthin goin on... althou there r sum pple who r damn bored 2 spam pple's blog, sum tt r not, they r juz keyin down wat they tink abt it...
if a blog has a [chatter/tag] board or comments functN, it means tt its open 4 browsers 2 type comments rite? if u dun 1 ani1 2 post on ur blog, disable em...
ITS JUZ TT DAMN EZ!!!back 2 e hack, no mata how 'bad' xiaxue's theres no nid 2
HACK in2 her email n blog rite... hackin's an internet commercial crime n can b traced by ips; althou isps r bound not 2 reveal subscribers info but cops stil ve their authority 2 do so... imagine all e contacts n blog posts all
GONE!!! if its me i'll go nuts, not 2 mentN her...
commentin +ve or -ve stuffs on pples blog = freedom of speech n can b deleted by e owner as he lks; i comment too, +vely n -vely; but
NO 2 hackin n intrusN of privacy... email spammin isnt an intrusN; its an
rmb tt an internet published blog's open 2 e whole of e internet community n populatN viewin n commentin [if appliable], wateva pple comment +ve or -ve, take em as they r; read n throw... if u reali mind it so much, delete e comments den...
ITS JUZ TT EZe same goes 2 bein an assertive human... dun xpect pple 2 give in 2 u all e time coz u r not a t-rex...
天天吃大魚大肉也會膩, 偶爾吃點青菜豆腐也不錯... dun let -ve comments drown u, lk its armageddon; no 1 dies of another man's words... but 2 sum it juz falls on deaf ears;
忠言逆耳... success'll blind a person's hart, mind n eyes; oblivious 2 e truth n facts, makin him unbearable [commonly seen in tv dramas]...
my post contents ve no structure or linkage 2 wats written, but i lk it n tts my style... every1 shld live 4 himself n ve his own style... life isnt abt livin 4 others n changin 2 suit em; its abt
CO-XISTIN... learn 2 give n take... not everythin can b measured, sum cant b...
4 those who dunno whos xiaxue, she's over here -->
e infamous sg blog celeb: 下雪tis 570 words post took me 1 hr 2 type... tink im detoriatin liao... sigh~