muay thai lvl4 #17

skipped, shadow, 3x bagwk, 2x 5 mins padwk, 3x 5 mins spars, 50 pumps, 50 crunches & 40 throw crunches... oni 4 pax 4 trainin; sparred w sasha & joy; tink he was lite on me coz i HIT him a few x...

tink i broke/cracked my left mid toe [since dunno how long ago] coz its crooked & bruised wheneva its hit T_T

after tt was chix rice 4 dinner courteous of rat den he drove me hm; on e way back his fren called him & alot of 'knn', 'cb' blahs? sprouted out thru e loudspeaker & i lol til ko liao wahaha

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