muay thai lvl4 #20

skipped, shadow, 3x bagwk, 2x tech spar, 3x spar, 50 pumps, 50 crunches & 35 leg throws...

2.5x w ray & 0.5x spar w joy ^_^

cldnt c e punches & kicks thrown @ me; mayb its my hair downin me -.- sparrin howeva was...



Anonymous said...

Wish I knew more people there to train with. Always only sit one side and watch others :(

tnemgarf said...

join class ^_^

Anonymous said...

Good morning fighter girl!

Aiyoh...expensive lah. You pay for me? :)

Actually, I don't wanna join classes because it becomes routine. Always same day, same time, same persons. After a while, it becomes a chore rather than fun.

Also, as you know, I'm frequently out of the country.

tnemgarf said...

true coz u travel often... but den mayb u can pay per session? den mayb hop ard? haha