s700i ^_^

start track: lush995

traded my ex-luv x700 4 a s700i [v incomplete set] @ a hp shop @ bv -_-" e cash 2 put out was quite an amt coz my price's abt 400+... alot of complicatNs but ve 2 admit tt e s700i cam's real gd; even @ e highest zoom e pic's stil clear juz tt its alittle heavier but @ least its stable... guess tts wat gd abt se bein 2nd 2 nokia in terms of os stability but not e batt life... e deal's unfilled warr + 128mb ms duo [w an incomplete pkg tt kk & i 'forced' e guy 2 settle 4 us ^_^]

will prob stay long w tis coz ve no $ liao; @ least til end of yr? 3g's not in my league now; hp's 1 time subscriptN's x mths -_-"

end track: lush995

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