muay thai lvl4 #10

6 mins skip, shadow, 4x bagwk, 3x padwk, 3x spar, 50 pumps & 50 crunches...


but e flr was slippery so didnt do much kicks on e bag since i cant stand & bal well; i even threw myself off e mat 'ring' when we bgan sparrin -_-;;; tried v hard 2 c joy's moves; tryin 2 dodge or counter but stil get struck by his push kicks...

4 bruises; 1 self inflicted durin padwk + 3 others durin sparrin -_-;;;

new technique:
side foot sweep: use 2 hit e side/calf area of opponent's leg 2 fall him

alot of wk 2 do; 1st on e list's 336 assignment 1 den 332, 217 & 336 assignment 2 all due @ sem end omg...

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